Jeg har altid lagt stor vægt på at bruge alle de bedste værktøjer, der er til rådighed, for at blive en bedre spiller.
Materiale og udstyr har altid været vigtigt for mig. Jeg tror på, at man altid forbedrer sit spil ved at bruge det bedste udstyr.

Robin Söderling
10 ATP titles, two Grand Slam finals and many years as a top player on the ATP World Tour.
RS is a premium sports brand founded in 2013 by tennis star Robin Söderling.
The products have Nordic design and are of the highest quality. The range consists of balls, strings, bags, accessories/accessories all developed by Robin Söderling.
The Tour Edition ball consists of the world's most exclusive felt material and is also the official tennis ball of the ATP World Tour 250 events: Stockholm Open and Umag Open.
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